I don’t know about all of you but in my spare time I am an avid reader. I just love how the simplest of words can transport me to another realm of magic with characters like elves, dragons, and knights on quests. It is a way for me to escape reality for a little while and experience magic, the most exciting adventures, and endless possibilities. That being said, I also had the privilege to grow up in Nipigon, Northern Ontario. When I’m not reading I usually find myself walking among the trees that line the many trails twisting and twining and hiding all around the common roads you drive every time you visit. Hidden in plain sight these trails are like a portal to another universe. A universe like the kind you read in books and watch in movies. The two share many things but the biggest one is that they both have magic, exciting adventure, and endless possibility. When the words on the pages I read aren’t guiding me into a magical world, Mother Nature’s hand is one reach away.
The Nipigon Marina is a popular spot with travelers and locals alike as it is located right on the bank of the Nipigon River. There are many elements of magic within this area. All from the view of the breathtaking rock formations of the Canadian shield standing strong across the river to the quiet and calm glassy lagoon. Each have their own elements of fantastical beauty that feels almost other worldly. But there are hidden trails at the back of the marina that not a lot of people know about. So my friends and knights, today we venture on a special quest to the secret trails that just might have you entering a place you’ve only found in your dreams. Saddle up your trusty steed and let’s embark on our adventure!
Just underneath the bridge that connects the town of Nipigon to the waterfront there is a path of gravel stretching back both ways. What you might not know is that this gravel path used to be train tracks that ran through and all the way across Canada. Now it is used for exploration by people like us, the ones who want to venture into the beauty of nature that surrounds. In the summer when the leaves grow to be so big and vibrant they twist to make little gateways to kingdoms of faraway lands. It’s like I’m walking through the pages of the books I love so much; it is truly something special!
To get here there is no hard venturing or chainmail required. You just have to follow these simple steps. By the boats that dock in the water, there is a path of rocks and roots intertwining with the dark soil of the earth. If you keep following them they will guide you right to the where the train tracks once stood long ago. From there, turn to your left and head towards the bottom of the bridge. When you come out on the other side there will be a long path of gravel in front of you. In this adventure I want you to take the road less travelled. As you walk along through the gateway Mother Nature has left for you, you will see a hill to your left and it will be covered in mud. It is not a very big hill and like the other trails that lie among the trees, it is a calm walk within the beauty of the magical forest! When you get up the hill you will find another gateway of beautiful leaves with the most magical purple flowers within them. Into the trees you go!
Now you have made it. My favourite most magical trail in all of the Nipigon Kingdom. Past the gateway and further into the trees is where you will find the enchanted paths of the Nipigon Marina trails. Think of Narnia, the paths and trails the high kings and queens of old took through their enchanted lands; or Lord of the Rings and the trails that lie in their magical woods. I’m always thinking of these books and movies as I’m walking through the Nipigon trails. Touching all of the trees as I walk by smiling and listening to the melody of the birds perched on their branches and if I’m lucky, a waltz with a fairy or two!
The very best part of the adventure that awaits you at the Nipigon Marina is that all the trails connect to one another. One trail will lead you to another so as you go along keep an open mind and enjoy the adventure! After all the best ones lie in the eyes of your imagination. If you see endless possibilities then there will always be! I hope these trails will bring your favourite stories to life as they do for me!