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2025 Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide


The Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide is the official guide to the Lake Superior Circle Tour. This magazine contains information on many of the communities along the route and offers great information and suggestions to make your trip truly remarkable. It also contains great resources such as a campground list, map, distance chart, bordering crossing information, and much more. The Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide is home to the Lake Superior Ale Trail, the Lake Superior Java Journey, and the Lake Superior Stamp Program, which allows you to collect stamps around the Lake, to earn your Lake Superior Circle Tour Certificate! With this guide your trip planning will become easier and so much more fun!

Please be advised that it can take up to 4 weeks for you to receive the Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide. If your order does not arrive within 4 weeks please contact publications@superiorcountry.ca to let us know.

The $6 CAD fee is to cover the costs of shipping and handling. To download a copy of the Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide for FREE visit our Downloads Page! Free copies of the guide are also available at Travel Information Centers around Lake Superior.

The Guide

The Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide, often referred to as the Lake Superior Circle Tour Magazine, is the official publication and guide of the Lake Superior Circle Tour. You can pick up a free copy of the guide from Welcome, Travel, and Information Centers around Lake Superior. Or you van view and order a copy online. Within the guide you will find information on communities, attractions, and experiences from all around the Lake. It also contains several different incentives and trip planning aids.

One of the most popular aspects of the guide includes the Stamp Program, which encourages travelers to collect stamps from different locations around Lake Superior. Other popular aspects of the guide include the Lake Superior Circle Tour Campground List, the Lake Superior Ale Trail, and the Lake Superior Java Journey. The guide also features many other trip planning tools including a map, border crossing information and so much more!

Don’t miss out and order your very own Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide today! It will be sure to make planning your journey easier and fun for the whole family!

About the Guide

The Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide is the ultimate guide to everything around the lake. 80,000 copies are printed and distributed annually. It has many features to help plan your very own personalized circle tour. But where did it come from and who publishes it?

The organization that publishes the guide is a non-profit destination marketing organization called Ontario’s Superior Country. Ontario’s Superior Country, formally known as the North of Superior Travel Association, was incorporated in 1976 as an Ontario Non-Profit destination marketing organization. Shortly after incorporation Superior Country began promoting the Lake Superior Circle Tour. These promotions were done by the development of an annual publication. Over the years the publication has taken many different shapes and sizes. The organization often spearheaded partnerships between stakeholders on both sides of the lake in the promotion of the tour. By spearheading these partnerships, from the 1980’s to now, Ontario’s Superior Country has been able to build strong partnerships all around the lake.

Through its partnerships, and its promotions of the route, the organization developed several different incentives for travelers to venture around the Lake. Such programs included the Lake Superior Circle Tour Admiral Program. This program had asked travelers to prove they had traveled around the lake by collecting items, or submitting receipts from around the lake, and at one point taking photos. In return travelers were awarded a certificate for completing the Lake Superior Circle Tour. Since then the program has changed into the now famous Lake Superior Circle Tour Stamp Program – which allows travelers to collect stamps from around the Lake to receive their certificate.

As a non-profit Superior Country depends on the advertising revenues it gains from the Lake Superior Circle Tour Adventure Guide to continually produce it each year. As a non profit the organization is able to reinvest dollars into promoting and advertising the tour. These promotions allow the organization to better market the Lake itself as well as its partners around the lake.

Most recently the organization has developed its headquarters within the Nipigon Tourist Information Center located in Nipigon, Ontario. Within the Lake Superior Circle Tour Headquarters you can meet the team behind the publication while browsing some souvenirs and reviewing information on the surrounding region.

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